The Power of a Strong Business Role Model: Lessons from Amarula the Elephant


Having a strong role model is vital for success, whether in the animal kingdom or the business world. The story of Amarula, a bull elephant in Pilanesberg, South Africa, illustrates the significance of experienced leaders in guiding a team towards success.


Amarula's Arrival and Troubled Behaviour:

In 1979, Pilanesberg National Reserve introduced young orphaned elephants as part of Operation Genesis. However, without fully mature bull elephants as role models, the young bulls exhibited troubling behaviour. They bullied females, forced mating, and became aggressive, resulting in attacks on rhinos and tourist vehicles.


The Impact of Role Models:

To address the issue, mature bull elephants were relocated from Kruger National Park in 1997. These experienced leaders quickly established dominance, teaching the young bulls proper behaviour. As a result, the musth cycles returned to normal, and incidents of aggression significantly diminished.


Lessons for the Business World:

Amarula's story offers valuable lessons for the business world:


Guidance and Mentorship:

Experienced leaders provide guidance and mentorship to young professionals, fostering a culture of learning and growth within organizations.


Establishing Hierarchy:

Strong leaders establish clear hierarchies that promote order, accountability, and efficient decision-making, enhancing teamwork and productivity.


Teaching Correct Behaviour:

Role models exemplify ethical behaviour, professionalism ,and effective communication, guiding young employees in navigating complex situations.


Managing Emotional States:

Experienced leaders demonstrate effective ways to manage stress and emotions, promoting emotional intelligence and resilience among team members.



Amarula's story highlights the importance of a strong business role model. Experienced leaders offer guidance, establish hierarchy, teach correct behaviour, and help manage emotional states. Just as the presence of mature bull elephants transformed the troubled elephant community, businesses thrive when led by individuals who inspire, mentor, and guide their teams towards success.


Original source : Brad Leontsinis